Roland Family
Vision Statement
“And a vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man
glorify God by ministering to the people of
we will do:
pray that God would honor our desires in His calling and claim a harvest in
each of these areas as an offering to Himself. According to God’s will and
grace, we intend to:
1. Practice the love of Christ to souls in
need and share with them the good news of salvation, in this way caring for
their physical and spiritual needs. We will cultivate this
by building genuine relationships based on love, living among the Kenyan people
in their own culture, at their own economic scale. We will reach out by
offering classes for women in nutrition, breast-feeding and childbirth and
caring for children through a camp ministry. We will welcome neighbors and friends into our home and show them
Christ’s love in warm hospitality.
1. Equip the indigenous believers to establish the Lordship of Christ over all
of life. We will do this by helping to initiate a vision for
2. Demonstrate the fact that because both
men and women are made in God’s image, to reflect Him, it makes a difference in
how husbands and wives should regard and treat each other. We will do this by
modeling a loving, functional, marriage relationship to friends, students,
co-workers, guests and neighbors.
3. Shepherd the local believers and “equip
the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ? (Eph
4:12). We will do this through a supportive preaching and shepherding ministry
with the
4. Explore this opportunity to discover
more of God’s glory in people and the natural world and praise Him for it.
These new perspectives will help us and our children in our own journey of life
and continue our training in ministry.
5. Glorify God and communicate the story
of His goodness and beauty in the world. We will do this through various
avenues, from keeping a tasteful home and garden, to projects in writing and
artistic-documentary film making.
plan to go for one year, from January 2006 to January 2007. After this term we
will return to the States to seek the Lord’s will for our next step. James will
remain involved with
are searching for our calling–ways we may glorify God with what He’s provided
us. Because we sense God’s blessing in our marriage, family, work and lives, we
feel accountable and compelled to use this abundance of blessing to live out
God’s glory before other people.
we believe:
statement of belief is available at our website:
We also concur with the Villars Statement on Relief and Development. This
non-denominational document is an attempt to articulate a biblical perspective
on how Christians should think about and participate in issues of social
justice, relief and development for the glory of God.
will be directly accountable to the
Philosophy of Fund-raising
Commitment of Responsibility
many other believers use fund-raising methods that are Biblically legitimate,
we have decided to particularly demonstrate our dependence upon God and guard
against materialism by committing ourselves to the following principles (1 Cor
1. We
will do all things for the Glory of God (1 Cor 10:31).
2. We
will work joyfully, with the ultimate understanding that we are willing to
suffer as servants to Christ (Mark 10:45, Heb 12:2) and are not living for our
own comfort or material prosperity (Heb 11:8-16).
3. We
will not randomly solicit donations for ministry work, but rather seek our
provision from God through prayer (Matt 6:30). Ultimately, we will combine
vision, faith and prudence to carefully budget our work according to the amount
God provides (Philippians 4:10-19).
4. When
invited, we will prayerfully present our ministry and share honest facts and
needs without communicating any kind of pressure (2 Cor 1:8).
5. We
will submit ourselves to the accountability of our sending churches and our
fellow co-workers. All accounts will be audited annually by professional
auditors and reported to the sending churches.
6. We
will encourage donors to fulfill financial responsibilities to their local
church before contributing to our work (1 Corinthians 16:1-2).
7. We
will not incur debt for ministry expenses.
8. Money
contributed for a specific purpose will never be used for other purposes
without the donor’s consent.
9. Donor’s
names will never be published with the amount of their gifts.
10. The
success of our ministry will be measured not by the numbers served or by the amount
of money taken in, but by whether God uses it to glorify Himself.
James W. Roland
Heidi S. Roland